Born in Australia, Sara travelled extensively before settling in the Bahamas more than 30 years ago.
Sara brings a multitude of talents to our company including creative writing and photography. As a retired Nurse she is extremely organised, on time, and understands the special needs of her clients. In 2022 Sara achieved her Certificate of International Property Specialist which enabled her to join the prestigious International Realtor group, expanding her network considerably, and gaining knowledge that makes her one of the best Realtors in the industry.
Sara’s clients appreciate her vast range of knowledge of the islands, and they appreciate her status as an Expat with personal experience of buying all types of properties in the Bahamas and successfully navigating the Government
Departments to make it all happen smoothly.
Sara will find the right property for you whether you are renting or buying, whether you need turn-key, a renovation project, or a fabulous place to build your dream home. On any one of our Bahama islands!
Make the dream of living in the Bahamas a reality!
Be sure to follow SaraBahama on Instagram to see her photos of the beautiful Bahamas.